Eden Foster MP

About Eden

Your Member for Mulgrave

Meet Eden Foster

Eden was elected to the Victorian Parliament in November 2023 as the Member for Mulgrave. 


With a passion for community and good governance, Eden has previously held positions as a local councillor and mayor of the City of Greater Dandenong, where she gained experience in community leadership and advocacy for her constituents. 


Raised in the electorate of Mulgrave by a single mother, Eden's upbringing instilled in her a profound sense of community and resilience, shaped by her mother's migration from Kolkata, India. With a deep understanding of her community’s dynamics and a proven track record of effective leadership, Eden is incredibly proud to represent her local community and the residents of Mulgrave. 


Prior to her election, Eden's work specialised in the field of psychology, where she dedicated herself to addressing mental health challenges and substance abuse issues within the community. Through this, Eden was actively involved in developing and implementing programs aimed at promoting mental wellness and substance abuse prevention. She went on to work in the education sector, working with young people to address prevention and early intervention strategies for mental health and wellbeing needs in schools. 


This experience underpins Eden’s dedication to addressing the practical needs of her constituents. Eden is a champion for policies that prioritise quality education and healthcare, ensuring that everyone has access to the services and opportunities to thrive, regardless of their upbringing or background. 


As the Member for Mulgrave, Eden is focused on improving local infrastructure, public transport, and healthcare services, and fostering inclusivity within the community. She is a strong advocate for strategic investment in infrastructure projects that enhance connectivity, create jobs, and improve the overall quality of life for residents. 


Eden is also very proud to be the first Member of the Legislative Assembly of Indian descent, serving as a reflection of the cultural diversity that defines the Mulgrave electorate. She is dedicated to fostering inclusivity and ensuring all voices, regardless of background or culture, are heard and represented in decision-making processes.